This will be a two part course: The first part will focus on the Principals of the American Government and the second part will focus on what happened to the indigenous population of the Americas when the Europeans got lost and landed on Turtle Island. We will learn the truth in American History from a Native American perspective. What this same process is happened around the world today in Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan is the same phenomena that has happened to the indigenous tribes in North America. Most Native American tribes did not lose their battles militarily, but to starvation and new diseases introduced to the new world.
We will be reading the texts, Foundations of our Government & Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, by Dee Brown, and readings from Unthinking Columbus, The Next 500 Years. Dee Brown’s book is a classic used in American universities courses. This course will help prepare students for college research.
This course will meet the Minnesota State Standard:
➢ Historical Inquiry: The student will apply research skills through an in-depth investigation of a historical topic.
The student will be able to:
➢ Analyze and evaluate the American government systems
➢ Discuss the 3 branches of government
➢ Discuss how the student fits into this type of government
➢ Analyze issues and problems in modern system of government
➢ Discuss what happened in major battles in the United States
➢ Evaluate written passages for inaccuracies
➢ Describe how American Indian tribes worked for peace
➢ Discuss the cultural differences between native people and the Europeans
➢ Discuss the oral traditions and cultural viewpoint of American Indian tribes
➢ Evaluate the 1862 Conflict in Minnesota
Grading: The student will be expected to attend class and complete assignments on time.
100%: Written assignments. The students will be able to earn 2 trimester credits in these courses.