Instructor: Kristine Sorensen & Aaron Rosenblum
Class Limit: Twelve
Be an active part of producing the 2010 School Yearbook. Students will take photographs, organize images and design pages that will all come together as a celebration of the 2009/2010 school year. Students will gain skills in photography, design and layout.
Students will develop a basic understanding of graphic design and layout. Upon completion of this course the student will demonstrate competency in:
•digital photo camera operation;
•photography vocabulary;
•formal elements and principles;
•design layout;
•Pages operation and application.
Strand 1: Artistic Foundation
Standard 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the foundations of the art area.
Standard 2. Demonstrate knowledge and use of the technical skills of the art form including technology when applicable.
Strand 2: Create/Make
Standard 1: Create/make in a variety of contexts in the art area using the artistic foundations.
Strand 4: Respond/Critique
Standard 1: Respond to and critique a variety of creations or performances using the artistic foundations.