Advanced Algebra- Course Description
(Prerequisite-Algebra 1, Geometry)
This course is a continuation of Algebra 1. It will emphasis on systems of linear equations and inequalities, equations in three variables, solving quadratic equations by various methods, graphing quadratic functions, complex numbers, working with radical and rational expressions, graphing conic sections and the basic concepts of probability and statistics. Topics like logarithms, linear programming applications will be included if the time permit. Students will learn to use scientific/graphing calculators to work efficiently and to confirm results. Students will explore in detail how algebra is related to real life and how they can use algebra to understand the world they live in.
Meets the following MN standards:
• Understand the concept of function, and identify important features of functions and other relations using symbolic and graphical methods where appropriate
• Recognize linear, quadratic, exponential and other common functions in real-world and mathematical situations; represent these functions with tables, verbal descriptions, symbols and graphs; solve problems involving these functions, and explain results in the original context.
• Generate equivalent algebraic expressions involving polynomials and radicals; use algebraic properties to evaluate expressions
• Represent real-world and mathematical situations using equations and inequalities involving linear, quadratic, exponential and nth root functions. Solve equations and inequalities symbolically and graphically. Interpret solutions in the original context.
• Display and analyze data; use various measures associated with data to draw conclusions, identify trends and describe relationships.
• Explain the uses of data and statistical thinking to draw inferences, make predictions and justify conclusions
• Calculate probabilities and apply probability concepts to solve real-world and mathematical problems.