Algebra - Part 3 (5th hour or 1st hour)
This is the third part of the Algebra one year program. If you completed the first and second parts of Algebra in fall and winter trimesters, you are recommended to sign up for this class. We will continue to learn concepts like modeling equations, inequalities, and functions.
Other than regular class work, you will do a project to understand how math concepts are use in real life. I hope you will enjoy applying your knowledge outside the classroom and creating posters and presentations.
This is the first course in the College preparatory math program. This class is recommended for students in 10th grade and above who already have the pre algebraic skills, even if they did not take any math class in previous trimesters.
The following Minnesota Math Standards will be covered in the class:
1. Modeling situations using equations, graphs and tables
2. Solving systems of equations
3. Quadratic equations and their graphs
4. Factoring
5. Probability