In this second trimester students will learn about history of the world from the "Fall of Rome" to "European Expansion Overseas." Students will also learn how cultures and religions impacted the ancient world and get a foundation for understanding how that history has impacted us. Other topics covered in this class will be "The Islamic World," "The Americas," "Kingdoms in Africa, "Dynasties and Kingdoms of East Asia," and the "Middle and High Ages of Europe." This course will be reading intensive with some lecture and some videos to strengthen topics covered in the reading.
Textbook: World History Globe Fearon, Pearson Education 2004
This course is directly aligned with the Minnesota State Standards for World History. Every sub-strand and standard from the World History strand will be met.
*First Trimester Topics Covered
Early Prehistory to Early Civilizations, the Growth of Empires and Governments, Regional Civilizations
*Second Trimester Topics Covered
Regional Civilizations cont’d, Europe Undergoes Changes, Enlightenment and Revolution
*Third Trimester Topics Covered
Enlightenment and Revolution cont’d, a Changing World, Decades of War, The World Today