In this class students will learn about the physical geography of the world and also about different people and cultures throughout the world. Students will learn the five themes of geography and use that as a foundation for exploring different areas of the world that we live in. As this class is a continuation class, students will learn about Europe, Africa, and Asia in this trimester. The first trimester was primarily focused on North and South America.
Textbook(s): World Geography and Cultures Pearson Education, Inc… 2008 Pearson AGS Globe
MN State Standards Met in US Geography, World Geography, Map Skills
The student will describe how humans influence the environment and in turn are influenced by it.
The student will demonstrate how various regional frameworks are used to analyze the variation in culture and human occupation of the Earth’s surface.
The student will demonstrate how various regional frameworks are used to analyze the variation in physical environment.
The student will use maps, globes, geographic information systems and other sources of information to analyze the natures of places at a variety of scales.
The student will use maps, globes, geographic information systems, and other databases to answer geographic questions at a variety of scales from local to global.
The student will understand the regional distribution of the human population at local to global scales and its patterns of change.
The student will describe and provide examples of the primary factors behind the regional pattern of culture groups in the United States and the world.
The student will analyze the patterns of location, functions, structure, and characteristics of local to global settlement patterns and the processes that affect the location of cities.